Why Khanna & Annadhanam ?

What are the factors which distinguish our services from those of our competitors?

Promptness of Delivery

We answer correspondence promptly, deal with telephone calls speedily and deliver our services on time. Satisfying our clients’ needs as soon as those needs arise is what motivates us.

Efficiency in Our Organisation

We plan ahead so that all the resources which we need to service our clients requirements are always in place, whether those resources be of a human or a technological nature. That helps our speed of response and keeps our costs under control.

A Pro-Active Approach

When we have a suggestion to make - perhaps we have spotted a business opportunity in which we think a client might be interested, a new way in which a client could save tax or a way of improving a company's accounting controls or organisational efficiency - we do not wait to be asked before giving our views.

Technical Excellence and Reliability

Our clients can be certain that whatever advice we give is technically correct and represents the latest professional thinking on the subject. Our partners lecture to professional audiences. All our staff are kept fully up to date with all the latest technical developments each year.

In Conclusion

Khanna & Annadhanam provides a reliable service that is distinguished by being :

  • Prompt
  • Efficient
  • Pro-active
  • Up to date and technically excellent

We are a specialist firm and are dedicated to providing a first class professional service to Public and Private Sector businesses, Overseas Companies, etc.

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