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I-T e-assessment: CBDT notifies new central scheme. GST collection dips marginally in January...

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Our dedicated team comprises of competent people with extensive knowledge and experience...

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706, Akashdeep, 26-A, Barakhamba Road,
New Delhi 110001.
Call: 011 23315110, 23315119

IMPORTANT DATES : > Optional Upload of B2B invoices, Dr/Cr notes for January under QRMP scheme. : 13/02/2025      > Monthly Return by Non-resident taxable person for January. : 13/02/2025      > Monthly Return of Input Service Distributor for January. : 13/02/2025      > Issue of TDS Certificate u/s 194-IA for TDS deducted on Purchase of Property in December. : 14/02/2025      > Issue of TDS Certificate for tax deducted on rent above 50,000 pm by certain individuals/HUF under Section 194-IB where lease has terminated in December. : 14/02/2025      > Issue of TDS Certificate for tax deducted u/s 194M on certain payments by individual/HUF in December. : 14/02/2025      > Issue of TDS Certificate for tax deducted u/s 194S on Virtual Digital Assets in December. : 14/02/2025      > Issue of TDS certificates other than salary for Q3 of FY 2022-23. : 15/02/2025      > CAG Empanelment of CA firms/LLPs for FY 2024-25. : 15/02/2025      > ESI payment for January. : 15/02/2025      > E-Payment of PF for January. : 15/02/2025      > Details of Deposit of TDS/TCS of January by book entry by an office of the Government. : 15/02/2025      > Monthly Return by persons outside India providing online information and data base access or retrieval services, for January. Also to be filed by every registered person providing online money gaming from a place outside India to a person in India. : 20/02/2025      > Add/amend particulars (other than GSTIN) in GSTR-1 of Jan. It can be filed after filing of GSTR-1 but before filing corresponding GSTR-3B. : 20/02/2025      > Summary Return cum Payment of Tax for January by Monthly filers. (other than QRMP). : 20/02/2025      > Deposit of GST of January under QRMP scheme. : 25/02/2025      > Return by persons with Unique Identification Number (UIN) like embassies etc to get refund under GST for goods and services purchased by them, for January . : 28/02/2025      > Complete CPE Hours for Calender year 2024. Update Unstructured CPE hours details like reading of ICAI journal at https://cpeapp.icai.org. : 28/02/2025     

About Us

Based in New Delhi, Khanna & Annadhanam is one of the leading firms of Chartered Accountants in India. The firm was founded in 1952 and has grown to its present position through the excellence of its professional services and the success of its clients.

We offer our distinctive skills to varied type of charities and other professional firms. A distinctive specialty is in servicing businesses based outside India which wish to establish a presence here. Our broad range of clients operating throughout India gives us practical experience of the widest range of financial, accounting and tax issues and solid, practically based expertise.

The firm was a member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu International, one of the big six accounting firms for many years. Not to lose its identity and independence, the firm in November, 1995 due to DTTI's merger problems in India, decided to withdraw from DTTI membership.

The firm's main objective is to satisfy client's needs for professional services. This is best achieved through the close working relationship which partners establish with clients and their involvement at every stage of client's development.

The firm has at present eight partners. The partners have always been at the forefront of professional development in India. Their professional expertise coupled with their wide experience of the local and international business environment ensures a service to clients of the highest professional standards while emphasizing a practical, as opposed to theoretical, solution to problems.

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Services Offered

Audit Services

An audit may be required by statute; properly planned, it can become a useful management tool. The audit approach which we have developed enables us to concentrate our time and effort on the most significant areas of the accounts.

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Management Consulting

The firm has extensive experience in Management Consulting assignments. Assignments handled in this area are listed below: Preparation of Manuals on Accounting, Corporate Policies, Treasury Operations of Banks

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Business Taxation

We have a highly skilled team of corporate tax staff to deal with an ever continuing and increasingly complex body of tax legislation. We deal efficiently with computational and compliance work, but we emphasise effective tax planning for corporation tax purposes.

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Personal Taxation Advice

Personal tax is complex and subject to an enormous upheaval because of frequent amendments in tax laws. We have a team of friendly, dedicated and experienced specialists whose aim in life is to relieve you of as much stress as possible when you contemplate your tax position.

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